
I was working at the Waldorf=Astoria Orlando on the pre-opening sales team when the holiday party came up.  I do not enjoy these events and dread them as an annual obligatory task in a corporate career. These events are like walking on a tightrope in high heels.  You have to go and make idle conversation with upper management without giving away too much information or saying anything controversial.  It’s a delicate balance to know how much small talk is enough and how you can gracefully exit a conversation while dutifully greeting everyone. So, I usually need a little wine to get me warmed up and charming. 

I made a preparty plan with another gal on our team who was always fun and would also be solo that night. This broad was the glamour girl of the team – always perfectly dressed, coiffed hair and smooth, elegant make up. We met in her room, played Michael Bublé music, poured the bubbles and indulged in her beauty collection. Her beauty products were like an arsenal of weaponry I have never seen and had no idea how to use.   She tutored me on how to apply eye shadow in layers and blow out my hair with big brushes and loads of hairspray. I haven’t experimented with so much hair product since high school. We were dolled up and a little tipsy when we took the elevator to make our appearance at the company party.

We arrived fashionably late and made a grand entrance. 

People were mingling and there was a dull hum to the cocktail party as expected.   I said a few quick hellos and made it to the bar in a casual, quick clip. I was pleased to see a nice wine selection so I grabbed a cabernet and was introduced to a colleague’s spouse.  He was a reasonably interesting man and we related on the uncomfortableness of these cocktail parties.  I leaned against the bar as we chatted and felt immediately relieved, I found someone to connect with easily. 

 The room grew louder as we leaned in closer to hear each other.  I noticed people looking at me as the room volume continued to increase. Suddenly I noticed multiple people shouting in our direction – so much I couldn’t understand what was being said.  The confusion of so many people yelling was jarring so I chose to focus only on my glamour girlfriend as she was the tallest one and I could read her lined red lips: “Your Hair…” as she gestured to her own perfectly, bouncy hair -  “Your Hair - is on Fire!”  Whaaa?

I found that hard to believe.  I turned to the man I was talking to for clarity – just as he was throwing his jacket over my head to put my hair out. Suddenly, total darkness.  Yes indeed, my hair was on fire. I can smell it now. Apparently those votives at the bar were real – and all that hairspray I had on was quite flammable… 

After removing his jacket from my head, I looked back at the bar to see singed hair particles scattered about like confetti on the wine selection - and the bartender was apologetically blowing out the candles as my colleagues rushed in asking if I needed medical help.  Ohhhh terrific.  The smell of burnt air permeated the small space as the maître de began opening doors to let the cold winter air in and the overwhelming charred smell out.

 I was mortified.

Yet, somehow this embarrassing moment endeared me to the party guests. The event became a conversation starter and I was approached all evening by empathic strangers telling me the story from their viewpoint.  Several people shared their own “hair on fire” situations in their past and I realized I am not alone!   These awkward, strange, little vulnerable moments are part of being human.  Somehow that charred hair smell was refreshing.

 What is your embarrassing moment?  Please tell us!

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