
Breezy Boots is about a journey inside and out – mine and yours.

My goal in creating Breezy Boots is to connect with fascinating women on a similar journey – to live their best life after 45+ years young.  I am on a constant pursuit to enhance my emotional home, health, relationships and experiences.  I also want a gorgeous garden and a tight butt.  All the content I share will be based on that: to make our lives vibrant and wildy enjoyable as we rock our 40s,50s and well into our 80s!

I can’t wait to hear about your journey!

The title Breezy Boots came to me as I reflected on my experience of moving from Miami Beach to the Pacific Northwest.  Before that, I lived and worked in Miami Beach area for 10 years when I met a man who breezed into my life like a Category 5 hurricane. He happened to live in Seattle. My second thought upon meeting him (as my first was “Wow Isn't he adorable!  But why is he always in those big boots?”) was there was "no way" this relationship was going to work as he lives 3,300 miles from me. 

I had never even been to Seattle! And I heard it rains a lot in Seattle (not really true) I was living a cozy, tropical life in my pool home with my 10 year old son, plenty of beach activities and a predictable corporate job. Life was good.

Life was good but I wanted extraordinary!

A love affair will do that to you… and the cross country adventure began. For 6 years, we had frequent flights between Miami and Seattle. That is a 6 ½ hour flight too – so lots of time to ponder extraordinary! I became very skilled at packing light, traveling efficiently and making the most of our time together. 

Ultimately, after 72 flights crisscrossing the country, I moved to the PNW permanently.

I willingly traded in my flip flops for a full outdoorsy life in the Pacific Northwest - which requires wearing many boots! I eventually understood why my husband wore big Red Wing Boots habitually (although they still don't make much sense in Florida other than as a conversation piece). 

At 46, I began a new chapter in my life saying…

So long flip flops and Hello Boots! I packed up my life in Florida and headed north for a new adventure.  I shed all that “resort chic wardrobe” (ok, I still have some in a box in my closet), and flip flops for boots of all kinds and an outdoor life on the Olympic Peninsula.  And I found…

I not only have a love affair with my husband - but also with the Pacific Northwest.  

We have 5 acres outside of Seattle and are constantly working our land, exploring and hiking the Olympic Mountains.  I now find myself in many different types of boots I never knew existed - Muck Boots, Seaboots, Snowshoe boots, Gardening Boots, Hiking Boots, Rain Boots and even indoor goose down boots for the chilly mornings.

It is extraordinary what you can discover in boots at any age.

I discovered my passions for gardening, hiking, exploring and thriving in nature and embracing my surroundings.

I created this blog to share the journey and perhaps contribute to other curious and adventurous women also seeking to live their extraordinary life in its fullest expression in whatever beautiful place you happen to be!

So let’s get to it! What do you want to explore?










What is your passion?

Vibrant Living! Meaning joy filled days with simple pleasures and loads of time in nature.

And cool places to travel – and I don’t mean the broad overviews, but the real offbeat adventures to be had in the back alleys of cool cities like Venice, Rome or the hidden trails on the Olympic Peninsula.

I also love to laugh and am frequently the loudest, accidental laugh in the room. Lucky for me, I have a jokester husband so our home if filled with joy most of the time.

What is your favorite material thing you can’t live without?

My Yeti mug, our wood stove and my hiking boots.

What are your favorite everyday pleasures?

Living in the PNW, time with my husband and son, and a homemade cappuccino

What are you deathly afraid of?

Dying with my music still in me. I want to leave it all here on earth!!

What is on your bucket list?

Returning to Rome after this pandemic and visiting all of our favorite spots! Hiking the Dolomites (right after Rome) and exploring Alaska with my husband!


What are you most grateful for?

All the second chances and years I have been given.

And how many years have you been given?

Graciously more than 50! And I feel that aging is underrated. It is fabulous to age and shed so many worries and cares. I make more conscious choices now about how to spend my time, who to spend it with and making meaningful connections. There is a great peace with growing into your self as you age.

If you could put anything on a billboard, what would it be?

Let It Go.

What is your hope for Breezy Boots?

To create a vibrant community of women coming together to celebrate aging, getting outdoors, staying active and living their authentic life.

What is your greatest splurge?

Dark chocolate with sea salt and a big fat Cabernet and eating Raw Ghirardelli brownie dough (no judgement, please – and no, I have never gotten sick with salmonella! ) Oh! And fresh flowers in our home every week.

What is your favorite thing about the PNW?

The incredible surroundings! Nature takes my breath away here everyday - the mountains and the water, the fresh air, millions of evergreens, the wildlife, the reverence for nature. There is magnificent beauty everywhere and always adventures to be had!

What is your favorite local hike?

Mount Townsend in the summer and anywhere on Marrowstone Island anytime of year.
