Is it just me or does Winter start wearing you down around mid January? 

Outside of Seattle, we get only about 6 hours of daylight in the winter and I can feel a fog of depression lurking around when I see another cloudy, rainy and raw day outside. 

I typically would hop on a plane about now for sunnier skies and spent most of last February in Miami Beach. But, in the midst of a pandemic, I am doing my part to stay home.  In fact, I haven’t been on an airplane since March – the longest period of time I’ve ever spent not hustling for my airline miles, status or upgrades.  I find I am now hustling to keep my spirits up as we round the corner of one year on lockdown due to Covid-19. With 10 months at home,

I feel like a bear in hibernation at this point in winter.

Lately I’ve been wearing my fitness watch to bed to track my sleep.  Turns out I slept 11 hours straight last night. The only shocking thing about it was it actually burned 435 calories according to my watch.  Always a silver lining somewhere!  The thought crossed my mind that sleep may be my new diet plan.

And then I decided I need a better plan.

It is time to evaluate my mental health tool box for Winter to keep me centered. Here are some habits I have found helpful in taking the sting out of a long, wet winter indoors.

Invest in items that make winter enjoyable.

Do you suffer with cold feet? A drafty bedroom?  Find ways to make your home more inviting for you at all times.  Discovering goose down slippers was a game changer for me! From the minute I get up, I slip into those cozy little hot pockets and skuttle off to the bathroom.  Our bathroom is always chilly so I hang my fuzzy Irish sweater in there to put on before I brush my teeth. 

Find what gives you comfort and give it a home where you need it. Cozy wool socks? A Yeti mug to keep your coffee warm for hours?  A heated blanket is also divine and costs less than $30. I fell in love with my Costco purchase and now have one in my reading chair and in my office. Yes, I am a big believer in COZY.  Hell! Why not…

Surround yourself in comfort.

Do candles make you happy? What about fresh flowers? I find joy in bringing nature inside and always have a few flowers by my bed and in our kitchen. It is the little glimpses of spring that remind me winter doesn’t last forever.   What speaks to you and sparks delight when you catch a glimpse of it in your home?  Why not surround your space in photos, sculptures, handmade treasures or art that resonate with you?  I find having little “temples of happiness” though out our house act as a trigger bringing me joy throughout my day. 

Celebrate the winter season.

Instead of dreading the long winter, why not embrace it?  If the sun can go down earlier, why can’t we?  Winter is a time for restoration and catching up on sleep. I think the bears are on to something here.  Why not celebrate winter by going to bed earlier and sleeping longer? Allow your body to heal and rejuvenate.  And why not make your winter bed delightfully plush with flannel sheets or velvety blankets?  Create your own heavenly place to sleep and snuggle in for a long winter’s nap! 

And why not celebrate winter with cozy clothes?  Bring out your favorite sweater one more year!  This pandemic year gave me more time than ever at home and I even took up knitting.  I have watched hours of Netlix like most of us, but now I do it while knitting and feel a bit more productive and creative.  It’s a good night by the fire with my loom, a glass of wine and a few episodes of Friends. (No, I never watched it before and yes! I am almost done with 10 seasons and Phoebe is my fav)

Start a Gratitude Journal

A wonderful way to redirect negative thoughts it to focus on what you do have. We all have something to be grateful for and it is important to recognize and FEEL it.  Writing it down daily takes your gratitude to a whole new level.  Relishing your experiences at the end of the day by simply recording 3 things you are grateful for redirects your focus to positivity.  You will find your list growing each day with this practice. 

I love a handwritten journal but there are also several apps that work well for this practice too (My favorite free app for this is Gratitude!). You could also consider having a “Gratitude Jar” where you just write your gratitudes on a piece of paper and throw it in the jar. You can empty the jar at the end of the year (or on a down day) and review all your cherished moments.  Find what works for you and start a practice of gratitude to feel a shift in your focus.

Tip: Be specific in your gratitude.  Instead of just writing a gratitude for your marriage, perhaps be specific to that day “Grateful for my husband making breakfast burritos for us this morning and cleaning the kitchen after”

Keep Moving

Some form of exercise is critical in raising your mood as it naturally releases feel-good endorphins.   Because I am a lazy mother in winter, I set a goal of 20 minutes a day of cardio only. Some days I crush it with a long bike ride outdoors and some days I am counting the seconds on my stopwatch to hit 20.  Either way, I do it to fight off the winter blues and check something off my daily list.  Consider walking, biking, yoga or even dancing in your living room.  Pick an activity you can sustain over time as the benefits truly only happen with consistency. (Check out YouTube for free exercise videos – my favorite is Yoga with Adriene)

Keep your established good habits in place

Keep taking your vitamins, hydrating, eating whole foods, connecting with loved ones – all the things you know to be good for your spirit and body.  Even on days when you may have a carb overload, continue to do the other nourishing habits to care for yourself.  I recently had a big OREO breakfast which resulted in total disappointment with myself but I balanced out the day with an extra long walk and a gentle reminder: tomorrow is a new day and Spring is a little closer.  My husband claims he has the “Covid -15” meaning he gained 15 pounds in the winter of our lockdown.  I say embrace the chub – this too is temporary. 

All shall pass. Spring is coming.