
Are you new to journal writing and feeling stuck?

Perhaps overwhelmed with that white page?  Here are some prompts to get you going!

Pour a glass of your favorite beverage (no judgement here – if wine gets you going, have at it!) Find a cozy place in your home where you won’t be disturbed, set a timer for 20 minutes and begin. Remember you aren’t writing for anyone else – so just let go and explore.  Resist the urge to edit or limit yourself – just let it flow and see what comes up.


Brainstorm 32 things that make you happy

These may seem small like a clean kitchen counter or as large as fully stocked 333 bottle wine fridge. It doesn’t matter if it makes you happy! Happiness to me is fresh mountain air, debt free living, and perhaps a playful slap on the ass as my husband walks by me… What is it that lights you up?!

Write a letter to your 18 year old self

What advice would you give to your beautiful, young self? What insight would you give to her? My initial thoughts were “Don’t worry so much about what others think...and don’t date that guy who claims to be a model!” but as I continued to brainstorm, I found more comforting thoughts “You are enough, me dear. Don’t try to be anyone else and don’t compare yourself to others. Just be your full self.”  What would you say to an 18 year old you?

What would your dream house be like?

Would you want a treehouse in the woods? A huge open loft in NYC? A vintage apartment in Paris? How would you decorate it and what would make it extraordinary and uniquely you?

What are some of your favorite sounds?

What sound just makes your heart sing? Is it the unique sound of your lover sending you a text? Or perhaps the beginning chords of a favorite song?  I love the sound of my dog sleeping – she has this peaceful, humming snore which has a soothing affect on our entire bedroom.  What sound brings you joy just thinking of it?

What is one of the most memorable meals you have enjoyed?  

There is a pasta primavera I will never forget enjoying as I sat on a patio overlooking the mountains in Utah…the pasta was cooked just perfectly and the fresh parmesan was so delicate. I remember it started to sprinkle when the food arrived as a storm was brewing. The wind picked up and all I could smell was the delicious aroma of perfectly sautéed garlic…what is your food memory?

What superpower would you love to possess? How would your superpower change the world?

Would you be invisible? Brilliant? Incredibly strong? Would it involve wearing a cape or would you keep your power a secret?  Why would you want this superpower and what would you do with it?                                                     

What is one of your favorite childhood memories?

Was there a Halloween costume you particularly enjoyed? Or a gift you received? A teacher that was especially kind? I cherish the memory of my favorite teacher, Mr. Wiley in elementary school.  He was larger than life – in platform shoes and very hip, colorful clothes.  He played the piano and joy came out of his bellowing voice which sent chills down my spine. He brought music to life in his singing, playing and way of being. To this day,  I recall every word of several songs he taught me in 4th grade (one of these songs happens to be one of my party tricks where I can sing all 50 states in alphabetical order). It was pure magic to sit by him and sing as his huge hands danced across the keys effortlessly while his platform shoes danced across the piano pedals.

What would a joy filled day be for you?

Would it involve exercise? Would it be sunny and outdoors or a cozy winter day inside with homemade chili and a good book? Would you spend it alone or with one of your favorite people?  What would your 10+ day look and feel like?

What is one of the most beautiful things you have ever seen? 

Was it the view from a mountaintop or a simple act of kindness? What touched you and what made it so spectacular?

What would you like to try but haven’t yet?

Do you have a secret desire to ride a motorcycle? Try spinning a pottery wheel? How about a girls weekend in a beach house or Napa Valley? What would you like to try and why?

Did you discover some new desires you held inside? Perhaps a new adventure you didn’t know you secretly wanted? I get whispers of desires that come up in my journal writing I didn’t know I had! I would love to hear what you uncovered!  Let me know what you discover in your journal writing or if you would like more prompts.


For more on Journal writing, check out the posts on Tips on Journaling or Why to Journal
